- SME Talent Programme (Internship)
Under this scheme companies will receive up to 70% grant support for the monthly allowance paid for hiring, University, Polytechnic and ITE level interns, who are Singapore citizens or permanent residents.
The Interns should be full-time students studying either in the six autonomous universities, five polytechnics or ITE.
The minimum monthly allowance for University, Polytechnic or ITE level interns is $1,000, $800 and $240 respectively.
In order to apply for STP(Internship) companies should:
- possess 30% minimum local shareholding;
- have group annual turnover less than $100 million or group employment size less than 200 employees;
- have functioning Human Resources Systems;
- be willing to participate in Enterprise Singapore’s Human Resource Maturity Diagnostics;
- provide clear job scopes for interns;
- provide guidance by assigning supervisors to the interns.
- SkillsFuture Work-Study Post Diploma (Applicable to Non-Local Companies)
Companies or organisations can receive $15,000 per individual placed in the Work Study Programme to offset costs of developing and providing on-job training.
Time-limited Covid-19 Support:
- New trainees: Covid-19 wage support for up to 12 months for new trainees hired from 1 Sept 2020 to 31 Mar 2022, pegged at 45% of gross monthly wage support (Inclusive of Jobs Support Scheme).
- Existing trainees: Covid-19 wage support for up to 12 months for existing trainees who were a part of the WSP before 1 Sept 2020, pegged at 70% of gross monthly wage support (Inclusive of Jobs Support Scheme).
Under this scheme, employees can hire local (Singaporean and Singapore Permanent Residents) fresh graduates from polytechnics (within three years of graduation) or the Operationally Ready Date for full-time National Servicemen.
Companies, societies and non-profit organisations that are registered in Singapore or incorporated in Singapore are eligible to apply for this grant.
- SGUnited Traineeships Programme (Applicable to Non-Local Companies)
Under this scheme, companies will receive 80% funding of monthly training allowance, and the company will co-fund the remaining 20%.
Companies are required to hire recent graduates or will soon be graduating in 2019 and 2021 (both years inclusive), from local universities, polytechnics and ITE.
The minimum monthly allowance for University, Polytechnic or ITE level trainees is $1,800, $1,700 and $1,600 respectively, starting from 1 April 2021.
In order to apply for SGUnited Traineeships companies should:
- be registered or incorporated in Singapore;
- offer traineeships for more than 6 months;
- provide clear and traineeship description and development plans for the trainee.
- E2i place and train programme (PnT) (Applicable to Non-Local Companies)
Under this scheme, companies will receive grants of:
- up to 70% of monthly salary (capped at $2,000 per month) for each employee;
- up to 90% of course fees for courses provided;
- up to 90% of monthly salary (capped at $3,000 per month) for long term unemployed Singaporeans (unemployed for than six months).
Companies are required to hire Singaporeans for Singapore Permanent Residents who are at least 21 years of age.
In order to apply for the E2i place and train programme companies should:
- be registered or incorporated in Singapore;
- offer employment directly related to the job and remuneration that is competitive with market rate.
- Professional Conversion Programme (PCP)
There are three types of professional conversion programme, namely Place-and-Train (PnT), Attach-and-train (AnT), and Redeployment/Job Redesign Reskilling.
Under the PnT and Redeployment/Job Redesign Reskilling programme, company will receive:
- up to 70% of monthly salary (capped at $4,000 per month) grant for the PCP training duration;
- up to 70% of course fees for external courses provided;
- up to $15 per hour for in-house training provided.
For hiring Singaporean or Permanent Residents below the age of 40 years old. Companies will receive also enhanced rate of:
- up to 90% of monthly salary (capped at $6,000 per month) grant for the PCP training duration for long-term unemployed and SC/PR of age above 40 years old;
- up to 70% of course fees for external courses provided SC/PR of age above 40 years old or sponsored by SMEs;
- up to $15 per hour for in-house training provided.
For new hires on PCPs from 1 Sept 2020 to 30 Sept 2021:
- Under the JGI, the Government will co-pay up to 25% of salaries of all new local hires between Sept 2020 (where the JGI will take effect) to Sep 2021 for one year, subject to a cap;
- For those aged 40 and above, the co-payment to employers will be up to 50% for 18 months.
- Work-Study Certificate in Digital Marketing / Engineering 4.0 / Customer Service
Companies can receive grants of $5000 per individual to provide mentorships to trainees.
- P-Max (Applicable to Non-Local Companies)
This scheme is for SMEs registered or incorporated in Singapore, be at least made up of 30 percent local shareholdings and have annual turnover less than $100 million or employment size less than 200.
Both employers and employees will enjoy up to 90% SSG course fee funding for Singaporeans and Permanent Residents and SMES that successfully complete the six month follow-up and retain their PMETS will receive one off grants of $5000.
- Jobs Growth Initiative
For new hires on PCPs from 1 Sept 2020 to 30 Sept 2021:
- Under the JGI, the Government will co-pay up to 25% of salaries of all new local hires between Sept 2020 (where the JGI will take effect) to Sep 2021 for one year, subject to a cap;
- For those aged 40 and above, the co-payment to employers will be up to 50% for 18 months.
Employers that hire a local worker aged 40 can receive salary support of 40% for 6 months, capped at $12,000 in total.
Employers that hire a local worker aged below 40 can receive salary support of 20% for 6 months, capped at $6,000 in total.
Course fee subsidy of up to 90% for co-workers of (Person with Disabilities)PwDs who take up SG Enable’s list of curated training courses.
Job redesign grant of up to 90% of at $20,000 per PwD, to redesign the job, purchase new equipment, or modify the workplace to be more conducive for PwDs.
- Sg Mid Career Pathway Program
Government Funding of 80% of training allowance for SC/PR below age of 40 and 90% for SC/PR above age of 40.
Monthly Training Allowance of $1600 for SC/PR below 40 and $1800 for SC/PR above 40.